Tricia & Dan Miller
We're slowly settling in at Waxhaw. Scott and Kim have been doing
very well in school although they both sometimes question
"whoever invented school anyway?" Dan has been helping out at the
hangar part-time and assisting with helicopter flights. They say
I'm doing well on the new leg. It becomes more a part of me every
day. I wear it until time to hop into bed. My cane stays parked
in its little corner even when I go for my daily mile walk. My
stump has not yet totally stabilized so I have had several trips
to Atlanta to have maintenance and adjustments done on the
prosthesis. Thank you so much for praying for me during this time
of change and learning. We need wisdom to know when we can plan
to return to the Philippines and as we consider either buying or
building here in Waxhaw.
[For those who don't know, Tricia's left leg had to be amputated
above the knee in April, 1986, several days after a serious
motorcycle accident in the Philippines. She and Dan were hit from
behind by a speeding jeepney.]